The Great Awakening
(a.k.a. the Pandemic of 2020-21)
The spring of 2020 changed everything. As Covid-19 quickly spread around the world so did uncertainty, lockdowns and lots and lots of quiet. As the world of humanity ground to a halt we suddenly had more time and space on our hands than ever before. For some this was a curse; for some a blessing in disguise.
What did you do with all of your new free time? Did you bake bread? Learn to sew? Spend more time with your family? Finally read that novel you had been fiddling with? Spend time reflecting on what is most important to you in life? I did all of these and more, and I loved every minute of it. This is not to say that the Covid-19 pandemic was not a horrible tragedy. Millions of souls have died. Millions more suffered and and some are still suffering as I write this. However, for me, the sudden access to time and space away from people made me aware of a whole side of myself that I had not even known that I had been denying. I am an introvert.
Don't Kid Yourself
This was not surprising to anyone who knew me. I already knew I was an introvert. I took a Meyers-Briggs test in college that told me so. Every psychology friend that I ever had told me so. However, I never really understood how introverted I am nor what that meant until The Pandemic. While the "rest" of world cried and groaned about the loss of social contact, I finally felt free to be me.
I began to see articles popping up about how introverts and extroverts were each faring during the lockdowns, and I saw myself in every description of the introverts. I loved having extra time in my day from the lack of commute. I loved not being dragged to this party or that outing. I was fortunate enough to have a job that continued remotely, and I loved meeting with them on Zoom instead of in person. And I realized I am way more of an introvert than I ever realized.
So What?
Ever since embracing my introversion I discovered something else new. I like being an introvert. But what do I do about it now that lockdowns are being lifted and society is calling me back out into the world? How do I hang on to that measure of happiness that I found in isolation while still striving to succeed as both a professional and parent? How do I make it as an introvert and an extrovert's world?
I feel like a stranger in a strange land.
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